Restructuring of Technical Team at Mamelodi Sundowns

Mamelodi Sundowns announced today the restructuring of its Technical Team and the changes in the responsibilities and employment positions of its coaches: Manqoba Mngqithi, Rulani Mokwena and Steve Komphela.

These changes were necessitated by the poor performances and unconvincing victories that the club has experienced for quite some time.
Mamelodi Sundowns has a clear objective of becoming one of the most successful football clubs in Africa and its recent average and lacklustre performances are contrary to this objective.

Rulani Mokwena will take over the responsibility of Head Coach at Mamelodi Sundowns, Steve Komphela will be promoted to become First Team Coach and Manqoba Mngqithi will be the Senior Coach which is the position previously occupied by Steve Komphela. The Goalkeeper Coach, Wendell Robinson will stay in his current position.

These changes are with immediate effect.


37 Responses
  1. Hlatshwayo TS

    So unnecessary!!!

    Whoever is behind this doesn’t know football. Nothing was wrong with the coaches – nothing is wrong at Sundowns…

    No club is invincible, you win today you lose tomorrow. It doesn’t necessarily have to look good as long as there’s results.

  2. Dalom

    This clearly suggests that Manqoba is the cause of all instabilities within the team. He is definitely going to
    be aggrieved by the latest developments and he’s likely to leave the team. The co-coaching arrangement nevr worked for us with Gamondi and Tovey, and I don’t understand why Motsepe came back with this nonesense arrangement again

    1. Sobhuza

      How did it not work? With both coaches prior is when Sundowns actually went on to win something after a period of about 2 years not having anything.

  3. Nephat Ncube

    I personally think that the club management knows better and probably there is something they know which they cannot tell us as the supporters. I also think that this is about accountability and hope that it working relationship is not going to be strained by this. Our coaches are mature people and will show this even under the new structure. They should keep working the way they did I think this gives accountability to Rhulani. All the best with this new set up.


    This should have been done long time ago,just happy that something has been done.Rulani will also no that we mean business,one mistake you are gone boy,stop the nonsense of favoritism and select the team on merit.We must lose a game with our best players on the field and displaying hunger and fighting spirit.Personally i would have preferred someone who can make us play positive football,a fearless coach who will always play offensive football regardless of who the opponent is and also able to integrate young players.You bring in an expert in development and go and sign a 34 year old play when your team is number one.Let us give the benefit of the doubt to the appointed head coach and see what he has to offer. Good luck on tomorrow’s game. Manqoba can resign we don’t care.You just can’t sleep on duty.

    1. Mfana

      Talking about someone who is helping others to dig a grave only to find he is the one to ly on it,what is the difference in employing the same person who was part of problem but now is the part of a solution.Im referring to their new words low block,high press&data analysis &video plays.Hayi I don’t know,we will see.But u buy Ralani,Mokoena, Zungu,Nasir,Botouil,Mbule,Mashigo and u don’t believe in any of these people, why did u buy them anyway?You put yourself Mngqithi under unnecessary pressure now u r the fall guy.We have telling u since the start of the season that Sundowns is not gelling but u became very naive.Your assistants are your seniors now,go and collect the cones,because you failed to be arrogant and own that bench.I told you read all my previous comments and see that warning signs were there&you ignored red flags.Why Rulani &Steve Kompela are shouting instructions whereas you keep mum &become so mute.But let us not fool each other here.Theres no changes here.Its just to create an unbearable atmosphere for each other in the technical area,so that they undermine each other and get them fired.

  5. Moripi

    I see more trouble here, I don’t think this will sit well with Mngqithi, management blundered here. Our new head coach posted a cryptic video recording last night saying ” ziyakhala” , I guess he was referring to these changes, for me that was immature. There’s huge that is happening there and we don’t know, but the team’s performance says it all. Now I hear rumors that Shalulile is on strike, wants to leave and yet they telling us his injured. Sooner or later truth will come out.

    1. Dalom

      Very immature indeed. Even the Shalulile news can’t just be dismissed off-hand. Our team is known for standing in the way of players who want to persue their careers overseas. Look at Sirino, he’s no longer the same after they refused him to join Al Ahly. I know these players have contracts with team but what’s the point of keeping an umhappy player? Well done to Kermit for forcing his way out, and he made them pay dearly over weekend. Motsepe needs someone who can advice him on footballing matters, not a Yes man

    2. Sizwe

      Honestly it was very immature of Rulani to post such a sarcastic video….more especially in the wake of our latest situation. Not a typical sundowns kind of maturity. We’re in for a big problem here.

  6. Zipho

    @moripi ay ay ay,u r coming with unfounded gossip now,Peter is injured,end of story……..creating false stories will not help the team in anyway

    1. Moripi

      @Zipho, I did mention its a rumor, its on a front page of ” The”, under gossip section. We know that these publications can sometimes write unfounded story, but as @Dalom said, we can’t turn a blind eye. There’s so much secrets around this story.

  7. sbedula

    Good call but Steve supposed to be headcoach but anyway maybe this changes will make them realize that they don’t own sundownsfc, sundowns is for motsepes family. even rulani don’t think he will do much considering that he seems to be the one who’s causing problems there but well let’s wait and see

    1. Muzi Kunene

      Good changes because Manqoba is just sitting and as if nothing serious is happening but come postmatch interview he’s spitting fire instead of doing that during the game.
      Now we’ll know who’s responsible for our selection and favoritism, good call by our Management.

  8. Ronnie Bothma

    Disappointing news for me… This is an unnecessary reaction. There is nothing wrong with the team… So don’t use the team performance as an excuse… Perhaps personalities in the club have clashed. No team has the right to win all games. The guys that are happy about this are bluffing themselves… Sundowns will continue to win games, draw games and lose games. No matter who you install as the head coach. Leave results out of the reason why the change was made. We sitting on top of the log… If this was a need, firing one or two of the coaches would have been a better idea rather than this reshuffle…. As it stands, you have created more animosity in the club. I agree with TS, there’s nothing wrong with the team.

    1. Philani

      Good evening masandawan I can’t state whether the new developments is justified or not because I don’t have facts. But let say the directors know exactly what they are doing.

    2. Mfana

      Ronnie Bothma I agree with you this just political football ⚽️ at its best.These people have been planning together since Pitso left and you can see some one is whispering something on some one’s ear.We bringing a black kettle to boil the water because the black pot failed to boil the water.But again there’s this rumor that a player is injury prone theory.George Maluleka played a game of his life yesterday.WAS MALULEKA INJURY PRONE AT SUNDOWNS?What is happening at Amazulu.Again Saavedra,Shalulile,Nasir,Mashego are not injured,I am saying it.What is happening at Sundowns?

    3. Sizwe

      Ronnie I fully agree with your statement.

      This was very unnecessary at this stage…more especially when we come straight from a loss. This was so dramatic and childish of our management. At least they should have waited for the pirates dust to settle before they react like this. Now the whole club is labeled reactionaries….yeses!

  9. ayanda

    Thank you to the management for the shake up, Rulani also must know that if we lose games with our best players on the stand, he too will be demoted , our performance has been questionable and we were luck to win some of these matches , this was bound to happen.Rulani must also not be arrogant and be gentle with players , a motivated and happy player is a winner.

  10. Philani

    But the issue of co coaching seems to be not working. Some one must be held accountable for the performance of the team. Wish the team good luck for tomorrow’s game and other games that will follow

    1. Muzi Kunene

      Kanti guys what do we want,all along we were crying about this thing of co coaches now the management rsspond by appointing one coach we still cry,I think its better to be coach less ngoba sihlala sikhala even when Patrice appointed them two years ago we cried,let’s let the management do what is right with our team.
      We mustn’t forget its Manqoba who used to say Nassir is not fit he might be loaned before even played against Chiefs and the Morrocan guy and Ralani are fit,if Manqoba doesn’t want his new position akahambe sibone ukuthi that privilege of buying whoever he will get it or not,akukho muntu ozoncengwa lana uyasebenza.
      To Rhulani I’ll be happy if you can put Zwane on grandstand just to shake him up.Kby forever

  11. Mfana

    I’ve never seen this site so flooding with comments thank you members hayi bavile (they have heard our messages)its high time now that Rulani &Kompela must not toy with our emotions and know that there’s no time for playing.”ZIYAKHALA”.

  12. Zipho

    Rhulani mst also know that if he practices favouritism like playing the likes of Kutumela,B.Onyango,Mokoena,Mudau,Maboe,Modiba when they r not performing,WE WILL NOTICE!!!!!

  13. Dalom

    Rhulani has always been the problem. We saw what he was doing to Micho @ Pirates. He’s the one who brought back his fat, ill-disciplined friend in Bongani Zungu. The salary Bongani is reportedly earning is probably distabilizing the dressing room, and he’s offering us nothing in return. We should also expect the injury-prone Percy Tau to come back and earn his pension @ Downs. Rhulani has never achieved anything as a coach, and the status quo will remain until he get off his high horse

  14. Boh

    Dalom broe thank you….. I’m reading comments…and thinking this must be the opposition’s writing here…not all of the comments…. bafwe2…. what are we really talking about….Rhulani has always been the head coach… since Mpengesi chased him…how many times we asked ourselves on this platform…if others are working for him… we are here because of him….I’ve been a Sundowns supporter…from the day’s of Khambule/Lesilo and jerseyQueen Legodi….I’ve never seen Sundowns coach posting a match…off himself… infect bafwe2….one is saying what is everyone complaining about…when management made changes… please explain for me …what is changed there….did most of us experienced the humiliation at the stadium….I don’t think so…..listen we can’t win them all…but we can’t have our captain on the bench…and performance worse then….our very own Motsepe league… Pirate’s guy was making noise about Puleng….I said..he knows Sundowns have more than 5 Pulengs…. forget that we lost the game… surely Pirates.. will kill to have our players…. which is a shame….he agreed with me

  15. Sizwe

    Exactly my brother…from here things will just get worse. Some players will choose not to play for a certain player who they don’t understand his tactics, it’s sad

  16. Elvis Ramosebudi

    Former Sundowns player Dan Malisela must be the head coach for Mamelodi Sundowns FC this 3 coaches have no plan B. How can you play a cup game without a striker this is totally unacceptable all 3 coaches must step aside and make way for new coaching staff they have failed us.

  17. Boh

    Masandawana… good morning…. members.. again come to think of it…we playing PMB… tonight… please please…1 member that can tell us… which Sundowns will show up.. tonight….help me…and other loyal members….I’m not negative or against my team….but we can’t ask for more from Motsepe Family…then what they’ve done….. bafwe2…iqiniso lihle….ITS A SHAME THAT WE DON’T KNOW OUR STARTING 11..AT SUNDOWNS……. others think we being unrealistic or don’t like certain coaches..or players….. listen at Sundowns we can’t tolerate.. unjustified team selection….how do we know….the playing field.. always becomes the judge ….we not fool’s….the results and performance don’t lie…..
    …….let me become un popular….by this truth…. Masandawana…OUR REASON TO LOSE GAMES IS ON TWO THINGS… NUMBER 1…….. SORRY FOR THIS.. TRUNTH IF YOUR A PLAYER AND TAKE OFFENCE….BATHI WE HAVE SLOW DEFENCE… GUESS WHAT..WE LOSE BECAUSE OUR DEFENSE IS NOT SMART ENOUGH…TO OUTSMART THE ATTACKERS…HAYI KABI… IM TALKING Mabizela style… defense must be smart…… sadly only… Williams is smart at defense…2…team selection is killing us……. those are Sundowns problems…. don’t be emotionally…just think about it….well we love this team… good who in the heart of our new coach (ZYAKHALA)..Mokwena…Sir


  18. Makhosonke

    Morning members I personal don’t have a problem about what Management did, Rulani can be happy about this but he must know that this is dangerous, the door is open for him… The management is very smart because they know poor performance of the team can not be caused by the whole technical so someone must be responsible so when they start dismissing they know who to be fired… We spent lot of money for this kind of performance, yes we know we can’t win everything but performance should be there..


    Team selection,favoritism,lack of tactical acumen and complicated formations and systems.Since they took over we have never won a single game when we conceded first,that alone speaks volume.The are good and solid defenders in the world who don’t have pace,e.g Van dyk,Nascimento,even the likes of Ndah.Last week i said there are no foolish employees like coaches,they select useless players on favoritism and the team under perform they get fired or demoted and the very same players remain in the team.I’M very much with the shake up management did,it means the saw what we have seen,just not sure about the appointment of the head coach,because he should equally shoulder the blame.Management said were necessitated by string of poor performance and unconvincing wins which will witnessed not a loss .He is the one who brought B Onyango after he took him to Pirates and Chippa and was rejected.He also took Maraisane to Pirates and was also rejected and he brought him to us.He also brought an unfit Zungu to us when we have young and hungry Mkhize.With this appointment i will apply a wait and see method.Good luck for tonight’s game hoping to see a changed Downs with regard to attitude.

  20. Jaws Buda

    I am not sure if the management made a right call but time will tell. I have nothing against Rhulani, he has a bright future in this game but does he have what it takes to coach a team of Sundowns caliber taking into account what transpired when he was coaching Pirates and Chippa but I wish him good luck.

  21. Nkoyi

    I am not impressed by the decision of demoting Manqoba and promoting Rhulani as head coach. The problem is that it’s Rhulani who is responsible of what happening in the club now, the guy is so arrogant, considering himself as the best coach of South Africa, and as he is now the number 1, we will see again how he will going to show his arrogance even high. I wish It could be Steve to be the coach because he has more experience than these two coaches, but let wait and see.

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